List of Articles

Journal of Real Estate Analysis. Vol. 5, No. 3, 2019

A Study on the Relationship between Money Stock Volatility and House Price Volatility
통화량 변동성과 주택가격 변동성 간 관계에 관한 연구
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(3):1-17.
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Causal Relationship between Household Savings and Housing Investment
가계 저축률과 주택 투자율 간의 인과관계
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(3):19-29.
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A Study on Macroeconomic Variables and Determinants of Housing Retention Period
거시경제변수와 주택보유기간 결정요인에 관한 연구
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(3):31-47.
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An Inquiry into the Determinants of the Rents ofSmall Urban Houses Using Spatial Hedonic Price Modeling
공간 헤도닉 가격 모형을 적용한 소형주택의 임대료 결정 요인
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(3):49-66.
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Development of Estimation Method for Future Population by Eup-Myeon-Dong Unit
읍면동 단위 장래인구 추정모형 개발에 관한 연구
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(3):67-87.
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Transaction Types and Characteristics according to Real Estate Goods in Hyesan City of North Korea under Sanctions against North Korea
대북제재하 북한의 혜산시 부동산 상품별 거래행태와 특징
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(3):89-107.
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