Author Guidelines

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Template HWP (논문작성양식)

Guidelines for Writing Articles

(Formats for article contribution)

① In principle, the manuscript shall not exceed 20 B5-size pages (80 pages on 200 square writing paper).

② An article shall follow the structure arranged in the order of title, English abstract (up to 300 words), English key words (up to five), body, references, Korean abstract (up to 700 characters), and Korean key words (up to five), and appendices.

③ On the cover page, the title of article (in both Korean and English), the name of author(s) (in both Korean and English), the author(s)’ organization and job title (in both Korean and English), the author(s)’s academic degree and contact information (e.g. address, phone number, e-mail address) shall be included.

④ From the body, footnotes, and references of the submitted manuscript, delete any information that reveals the author’s name or identity, with leaving no space.

⑤ Criteria for editing the page of the manuscript shall be as follows:

Margins Paragraph Letter
Top 27 Left & right margin 0 Font KoPub Batang Light
Bottom 17 Line spacing 180 Size 10
Left 25 Before 0 Set width 100
Right 25 After 0 Spacing -2
Header 15 Indentation 10
Footer 12 Alignment Full
Gutter 0 Letter spacing 0

⑥ In principle, the manuscript shall be written in Korean(English). Chinese characters may be used only when their use is inevitable to clarify meaning. The names of foreign scholars shall be written in their original language.

⑦ The contributor shall prepare ‘(Appendix 1) Application for Article Submission’ and ‘(Appendix 2) Request for Article Publication and Consent to Use of Copyright Protected Works,’ ‘(Appendix 3) Ethical Declaration,’ ‘(Appendix 4) Certificate of Special Relationship Person Co-authorship’ and submit them via e-mail, or online submission system, together with the submitted article, to the Department of Appraisal Research, Research & Development Office, Real Estate Research Institute of Korea Real Estate Board.

* e-mail:,

⑧ The submitted manuscript shall not be returned. If an article passes the final review and is published in Journal of Real Estate Analysis, the Real Estate Research Institute of Korea Real Estate Board can use the article free of charge.

⑨ A master’s thesis, a doctoral dissertation, and a research article already published in other publication shall not be submitted. Responsibilities for plagiarism or other infringement of the Copyright Act shall lie with the contributor.

(Formats of table of contents, table, and figure)

① The sign system for layers of the table of contents shall follow the order of I, 1, 1), (1), ①, 가.

② In case of shared authorship, the lead author shall appear at the head of the list.

③ Tables and figures shall be numbered consecutively throughout the whole article (for example, Table 1, Fig. 1). The title of a table shall be positioned at the left of the top, and the title of a figure at the center of the bottom. Data source shall be indicated at the bottom (for example, Data : reconstruction of Duncan (1981: 349)).

④ As for the notes of a table, they shall be placed above the data source in the order of individual notes (marked with a), b), c)), notes of probability (* p〈0.05, ** p〈0.01, *** p〈0.001), and general notes (marked as ‘Note:’). This shall also apply to the notes of a figure.

⑤ In case of stating the author’s own article or work, the expression of ‘my manuscript’ shall not be used; their title must be identified.

(Notes of the body, and References)

① Reference notes, which show the source of data cited or referred to, shall be marked with a parenthesis in the body, and the reference list, which show the particulars of the reference notes, shall be attached at the end of the article.

② Contents notes, which elaborate the content of the body, shall be numbered consecutively throughout the article. Their numbers shall be positioned at the right top of relevant parts (for example, 하였다.1)), and they shall be treated with footnotes at the bottom of page.

③ References cited or mentioned in the body shall be divided into Korean literature and foreign literature (Eastern and Western); the former shall be arranged in the order of 가나다 and the latter in alphabetical order, on the basis of author’s family name. Literature not mentioned in the body or footnotes shall not be included in the References.

④ The References shall be written in the order of author, date of publication, title, and publication-related matters, as follows:

⑤ Several works of the same author shall be arranged in the order of publication year. In case that there are two or more works published in the same year, they shall be arranged according to the order of the references and be distinguished with a, b, c attached to the publication year.

⑥ References shall be listed in the order of Korean literature, English literature, and literature in other languages. Korean literature shall be listed in the order of 가나다 on the basis of the lead author’s name; and English literature shall be listed in alphabetical order on the basis of the lead author’s family name.

⑦ References are presented in the following format. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed., 2019) shall be followed unless otherwise indicated below.

Reference Example


Lindon, J. C., Tranter, G. E., & Koppenaal, D. (2016). Encyclopedia of spectroscopy and spectrometry (3rd ed.). Academic Press.

Ngnoumen, C. T., & Langer, E. J. (2016). Mindfulness: The essence of well-being and happiness. In I. Ivtzan & T. Lomas (Eds.), Mindfulness in positive psychology: The science of mediation and wellbeing (pp. 97-107). Routledge.


Bedford, D. A. D. (2017). Enterprise information architecture: An overview (Report No. WA-RD 896.4). Washington State Department of Transportation.


Hong, J., Choi, H., & Kim, W. S. (2020). A house price valuation based on the random forest approach: The mass appraisal of residential property in South Korea. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 24(3), 140-152.

Dissertation and Thesis

Hawkins, E. J. (1999). Artist and model: Shaping the creative process [Master’s thesis or Doctoral dissertation]. James Cook University.


Preqin. (2023). Preqin global report 2023: Real estate.

News and Press Releases

Bahney, A. (2024.01.19.). Home sales last year dropped to the lowest level in 28 years. CNN.


Singh, K., & Best, G. (2004). Film induced tourism: Motivations of visitors to the hobbiton movie set as featured in The Lord of the Rings. In International Tourism and Media Conference Proceedings (pp. 98-111). Monash University.

Conference Session

Bland, A. (2017). The implementation of a junior Samoan language programme in a South Island, New Zealand secondary school context. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference 2017, Canberra, Australia.


① Source of research funding and acknowledgment shall be written at the footnote of the first page, and precede the author’s affiliated organization and post.

② The Editorial Board shall write the date of manuscript receipt, the date of manuscript review (revision), and the date of acceptance after the References.

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