List of Articles

Journal of Real Estate Analysis. Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019

Korean Housing Market Dynamics: A VAR Analysis with Sign Restrictions
부호제약을 이용한 한국 주택시장의 변동요인 분석
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(1):1-13.
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A Study on the Determinants of Apartment Premiums Based on the Characteristics of Housing Submarkets
주택하부시장 특성을 고려한 분양프리미엄 결정요인에 관한 연구
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(1):15-34.
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A Critical Review of Property Tax and Comprehensive Real Estate Tax on Housing
주택분 재산세 및 종합부동산세 과세의 문제점 및 개선방안 연구
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(1):35-43.
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Impact of New Light Transit Line on Apartment Housing Price in the Case of Daegu
대구도시철도 3호선 개통이 아파트가격에 미친 영향
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(1):45-55.
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Research on Pricing Factors of Factories Built on Unplanned Sites in Busan
부산시 개별입지 공장의 가격 결정요인에 관한 연구
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(1):57-75.
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A Comparison of Regional Neighborhood Environments for Apartment Complexes in Seoul
서울시 아파트단지의 지역별 근린환경 비교
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(1):77-94.
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A Study on the Effects of Community Revitalization Programs and Satisfaction therewith on Choosing Residential Facilities for Older Adults
지역공동체활성화프로그램 및 만족감이 노인용 주거시설 선택에 미치는 영향
J. Real Estate Anal. 2019;5(1):95-107.
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